Please take note that the approval for changing of programme is upon discretion from the Malaysia Immigration Department (MID). Normally the MID will request additional documents such as current examination result, record of attendance and other required documents.
The MID have the right to NOT APPROVE the new Visa and Pass (for change of programme) if they find that the current result is not satisfactory or any other reason that does not comply with the Immigration’s regulation.
To avoid any difficulty students may face, Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) has recommended that the application for a change of programme (variation or progression) for international students must get an approval VAL from EMGS /Malaysia Immigration Department before permission to register under the new programme is allowed by Limkokwing University.
Students must cancel their current pass to apply for a variation or progression in order to apply for a new programme.
There is a possibility that the Immigration Department will request the student to exit Malaysia while waiting for the new VAL to be approved.
If your application for variation is rejected by the EMGS/Immigration Department of Malaysia, you are required to defer your studies and return to your home country. You will be required to apply for a new student pass and only allowed to come to Malaysia once the Visa Approval Letter (VAL) has been approved by EMGS Immigration.
You cannot register with the new programme until you get your VAL approval from Immigration. You may be advised to return to your home country and defer your study if the visa approval from Immigration is delayed.
The requirement to exit Malaysia depends on the type of the pass you are holding at the time of application and expiry date on your current pass, as well as the University you are transferring to or from. To avoid overstaying, we advise students to apply for a new VAL from their home country.
Inovasi 1-1, Jalan Teknokrat 1/1
63000 Cyberjaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.