Limkokwing University of Creative Technology

International Services


A global university with more than 30,000 students from all over the world, Limkokwing University works closely with the Immigration Department to ensure all our international students meet immigration procedures to enjoy a happy and trouble-free in Malaysia.

of Student Pass

Graduate/ Completion of Studies from Limkokwing University

Students who have completed their studies must cancel their student pass.

Deferment of Studies

A student who defers from studies must get approval from University and must cancel a student pass. Students who have defer from study cannot apply for renewal and must return to your home country. You will be required to apply for a new student pass and only allowed to come to Malaysia once the Visa Approval Letter (VAL) has been approved by EMGS/ Immigration.

Withdrawal or Termination from studies

A student who withdraws from his/her study must inform Limkokwing University before leaving Malaysia. The student pass will be cancelled, upon submission of passport, withdrawal letter from faculty, and confirmed flight ticket.

Change Programme or Change University

  • A Student who has accepted an admission offer letter from another institution must cancel Limkokwing University’s student pass.
  • A student who had changed a programme within Limkokwing University is also required to cancel the current student pass and apply variation/progression to the new programme.

Important Updates

  • Applicant who wants to change the pass from dependent / employment pass to student pass required to apply for cancellation of the current pass.
  • Leaving Malaysia without cancelling your student pass can cause consequences if a student decides to apply for another University within Malaysia/ to apply for another visa in Malaysia.
  • It is a requirement by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) for the University to report to the MOHE, Royal Police Malaysia and Malaysia Immigration Department if a student did not return / not registered / missing in action without valid reason or prior permission from the University. The student will be blacklisted to enter Malaysia by the Malaysia Immigration Department.

International Student Service Department

Inovasi 1-1, Jalan Teknokrat 1/1
63000 Cyberjaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
(+603) 8317 8888
Business Hours :

Monday to Friday : 8.30am to 5.00pm

Saturday : 8.30am to 12.00pm