Limkokwing University of Creative Technology

International Services


A global university with more than 30,000 students from all over the world, Limkokwing University works closely with the Immigration Department to ensure all our international students meet immigration procedures to enjoy a happy and trouble-free in Malaysia.


Overstaying is an offence in Malaysian Law. Malaysia Immigration Department (MID) will impose a penalty ranging from RM1,200 – RM10,000 depending on the duration of your overstay and/or a jail term up to 5 years. You may be blacklisted and deported back to your home country. You can be prohibited from entering Malaysia for a period of time. The process of overstayed clearance will take a minimum 2 working weeks following the MID standard of procedure.

Overstaying for less than seven (7) days

  • If you overstay for less than seven (7) days, you must write a letter to the Immigration Department of Malaysia explaining the reason for overstaying in the country.
  • You must be present at the Immigration with a representative from the Visa Department to submit the application form.
  • You will receive a warning letter from the Immigration and will be required to pay an overstay penalty.

Overstaying for more than seven (7) days

  • If you overstay for more than seven (7) days, you must write a letter to the Immigration Department of Malaysia explaining the reason for overstaying in the country.
  • You must be present at the Immigration with a representative from the Visa Department to submit the application form.
  • Overstaying charges :
  • 1st Overstay – RM 1,200 (New/Transfer), RM 1,700 (Current Student)
  • Overstay period reaches 6 Months or more – RM 2,700
  • Overstay 1 year and above – RM 3,700
  • 2nd Overstay and more – RM 3,700
  • All overstay students will face consequences of being BLACKLISTED by the Malaysian Immigration Department if it is not supported by the Immigration of Student Pass Unit.
  • Please note that ALL overstay cases may OR may not result in compound of RM 5,000, please be prepared.
Note: You will also need to wait for a new VAL.

International Student Service Department

Inovasi 1-1, Jalan Teknokrat 1/1
63000 Cyberjaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
(+603) 8317 8888
Business Hours :

Monday to Friday : 8.30am to 5.00pm

Saturday : 8.30am to 12.00pm