Limkokwing University of Creative Technology


Hospitality that surpasses all expectations

You will experience a different kind of hospitality when you arrive in Malaysia. We welcome you with a warm Salam to a stay in which sweet memories are made of. Whether you are a first-time student from overseas or a Limkokwing graduate seeking to explore the wonders of Malaysia, you will enjoy our warm hospitality.

Go Cashless

Malaysia has an excellent banking system offering a wide range of banking services. You may either carry cash or go cashless. We are in a cashless society with many convenient options available. Choose wisely and spend prudently.

Limkokwing Achievement Awards

The Limkokwing University is a treasure trove of awards. Over 30 years, the University has been a proud recipient of numerous awards and accolades from various sources, including the industry, the government, universities, and design establishments from all over the world. Our creativity is our most treasured award.

Cashless Lifestyle

Use it for your purchases, payments and cash withdrawals. Reload whenever you need it and control your spending even better. Plus, collect TreatsPoints for a more rewarding experience.
Every RM3 = 1 TreatsPoint

Every RM2 = 1 TreatsPoint

Every RM2 = 3 TreatsPoint