Five continents raise funds for Heal the World Foundation @ Limkokwing University of Creative Technology

Five continents raise funds for Heal the World Foundation

12 June 2013, by Dhashene Letchumanan

A total of 50 countries came together at Limkokwing University of Creative Technology’s plaza to embrace and celebrate cultural diversity at the Limkokwing Cultural Festival. Students participated in the event by representing their country’s traditional culture, uniqueness and creativity.

Limkokwing Cultural Festival was held to raise funds for Heal the World Foundation which spreads a message of peace and reconciliation to the world in an attempt to draw the world’s attention to the plight of displaced people around the world.

Students from Palestine.

Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, His Excellency Manuel Antonio Guzmán Hernández and Her Royal Princess of Swaziland Sikhanyiso Dlamini graced the event accompanied with Limkokwing University’s Associate Vice President and Fashion Club Creative Director, Dato’ Tiffanee Marie Lim.

“Congratulations to everyone. Thank you for the fantastic opportunity to see different cultures across the world in one place. I’m very happy to see my country’s performance and other countries gave their best as well. It is a very nice initiative by the university. I hope this continues every year,” said the ambassador.

“This university has many good things but for me the best is the uniqueness of cultural diversity here. I’m very satisfied to share an opportunity to be with people from around the world. It was a fantastic experience,” he added.

Traditional performance by Kazakh students.

The ambassador concluded by saying, “Limkokwing University has a very clear vision and concept. The University is very unique because it has students from all over the world. It’s fantastic. The culture here is very rich and exclusive.”

“It was great to see all students cheer for each other at the event,” said Vijay from Spain, who is pursuing his studies in graphic design.

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