Limkokwing Lesotho Commemorates a Visionary Leader in Philanthropy and Global Transformational Education @ Limkokwing University of Creative Technology

Limkokwing Lesotho Commemorates a Visionary Leader in Philanthropy and Global Transformational Education

22 November 2021

  • Limkokwing Lesotho Commemorates a Visionary Leader in Philanthropy and Global Transformational Education
    The Acting Minister of Social Development Hon. Keketso Sello giving an acceptance speech for the scholarships awarded to the Ministry of Social Development, Kingdom of Lesotho.
  • Limkokwing Lesotho Commemorates a Visionary Leader in Philanthropy and Global Transformational Education
    Adv. Tefo Macheli, Limkokwing University Lesotho Vice Chancellor elaborating more on what the awarded scholarships entail.
  • Limkokwing Lesotho Commemorates a Visionary Leader in Philanthropy and Global Transformational Education
    Ts'eliso Mojela, a Limkokwing alumni and Heal the World beneficiary sharing with the audience his journey at Limkokwing University Lesotho.

Limkokwing University Lesotho commemorated the late Founding President Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Dr. Limkokwing through an auspicious event at its campus where over 40 scholarships were handed to the less fortunate and healthcare frontliners.

Present at the event were: The Acting Minister of Social Development Mr. Keketso Sello and delegates, Reitumetse Church Project representatives, Lesotho Nurses Association, Limkokwing Industry Advisors, Limkokwing Campus Management and the media fraternity.

The Founder’s Day event recognised Tan Sri Limkokwing’s efforts in enriching Lesotho’s human capital by instilling its youth with 21st century skills through creative education and philanthropic initiatives that help empower them to succeed and make a name for themselves thus driving transformation in Lesotho’s industries.

In his opening remarks, the registrar Mr. Moroka Hoohlo said, “Some of you may know of the recent passing of our beloved Founding President Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Limkokwing. As we all know he was a great believer of philanthropy and he lived his life to reflect this ideology. It is therefore through this event that we are hosting Founder’s Day curated under The Heal the World Foundation as an extension of his immaculate practice to live beyond his life.”

Advocate Tefo Macheli, The University’s Campus Director Administration mentioned that the university is awarding forty (40) scholarships in two different categories namely; Limkokwing Frontline & Healthcare Scholarships (for covid-19 frontline healthcare workers’ children) and Limkokwing Scholarships (for underprivileged and orphaned children).

“We as a university are handing over these scholarships to the Ministry of Social Development to ease the lives of those heavily affected by life’s circumstances during the covid pandemic. These scholarships will not only cover tuition fees but will also cover living expenses and other resources fees of the beneficiaries of the scholarships. The scholarships will also cover the full duration of the selected candidates’ studies.” he stated.

In appreciation of this thoughtful gift and on behalf of The Minister of Social Development, Mr. Keketso Sello stated that they are very grateful for the efforts Limkokwing University has been making over the years to make life easy for the less privileged citizens of Lesotho.

“The Ministry applauds this initiative aiming at supporting education of vulnerable children especially those placed in the care facilities and are unable to proceed beyond high school education due to their financial background. Investing in these children’s education will achieve our mission which is “a nation where everyone enjoys an acceptable minimum standard of living and in which there are equal opportunities for people to realise their full potential.”

Over the years Limkokwing University has been producing thousands of graduates’ who are now in the lead, steering change in industries they pursue their careers in. One such alumnae who was also present at the Founder’s Day event is Halieo Motanyane: 

“In January 2013, I received a call from the University letting me know that I had received a full scholarship to pursue my pre-matriculation course at the university. I was beyond tears because I saw my dream materialize right infront of my eyes. I was an orphan living at Reitumetse Church group as my foster home but now 8 years later, I am a recognised author whose attended numerous award ceremonies across Africa,” said Halieo Motanyane.

Globally Tan Sri Limkokwing has been celebrated as a Visionary Leader, Hero of Philanthropy, Commonwealth Champion, Commander of the Most Meritorious Order of Mohlomi and Father of Innovation among many prestigious accolades. Tan Sri Limkokwing tirelessly dedicated his life towards driving transformation and bridging the innovation gap amongst developing nations across the globe.

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