Mohammadreza Pezeshki: Turning Photography into a Multi-Industry Business @ Limkokwing University of Creative Technology

Mohammadreza Pezeshki: Turning Photography into a Multi-Industry Business

2 September 2024

  • Mohammadreza Pezeshki: Turning Photography into a Multi-Industry Business
  • Mohammadreza Pezeshki: Turning Photography into a Multi-Industry Business
  • Mohammadreza Pezeshki: Turning Photography into a Multi-Industry Business
  • Mohammadreza Pezeshki: Turning Photography into a Multi-Industry Business
  • Mohammadreza Pezeshki: Turning Photography into a Multi-Industry Business
  • Mohammadreza Pezeshki: Turning Photography into a Multi-Industry Business
  • Mohammadreza Pezeshki: Turning Photography into a Multi-Industry Business
  • Mohammadreza Pezeshki: Turning Photography into a Multi-Industry Business
  • Mohammadreza Pezeshki: Turning Photography into a Multi-Industry Business
  • Mohammadreza Pezeshki: Turning Photography into a Multi-Industry Business

When Mohammadreza Pezeshki, known to many as Mowrez, started his digital photography course at Limkokwing University in 2011, he had no idea where it would lead. Today, he's juggling two successful businesses and bringing a message of comfort and connection to people through both media and fashion.

“I was thinking I’d become a National Geographic photographer,” Mowrez laughs, recalling his early aspirations. Instead, his journey took him from behind the camera to in front of it and eventually into the world of textiles and fashion.

Limkokwing University played a crucial role in shaping Mowrez’s professional journey. The university’s diverse, multicultural environment and industry-focused approach to education provided him with more than just technical skills. For Mowrez, Limkokwing was a vital bridge between his high school years and the professional world, helping him transition from a student mindset to a working professional. “Being in an environment like the university has helped me to open my professionalism towards my approaches,” he reflects.

At Limkokwing, Mowrez honed his craft and formed the connections that would later become pivotal in his career. He met his future business partners there, highlighting the university’s role in fostering networking and collaboration among its students. This blend of skill development and relationship-building exemplifies Limkokwing’s reputation for preparing students for the real-world challenges of creative industries.

Mowrez now heads two companies: 24 Hours Media, a production company he started with fellow Limkokwing alumni, and Snug Brandware, a textile and fashion brand. Both reflect his evolving interests and skills, but more importantly, they embody his philosophy of doing “whatever you do with love.”

This approach has served him well. 24 Hours Media has racked up over a thousand projects in eight years, working with big names like Lacoste and Raffles Hotel. But it’s not just about the impressive client list for Mowrez - what he’s most proud of are the projects that touch people’s lives.

He recalls a documentary he made about an old man in Turkey who had never celebrated his birthday. “Everyone was crying, everyone was super emotional,” he says, describing the film’s premiere, which doubled as the man’s first-ever birthday party. It’s clear from how Mowrez talks about it that these are the moments fueling his passion.

His newest venture, Snug Brandware, takes this human-centred approach into the fashion world. Their latest campaign, “Oneness,” encourages people to connect more deeply with each other. “We’re encouraging people to ask each other, ‘How are you?’ to see how their day and weekend were,” Mowrez explains. In a world that often feels disconnected, it’s a simple but powerful message.

Mowrez’s path hasn’t always been smooth. He’s quick to point out that success often comes after many failures. “It’s not going to work out the first time you try,” he says frankly. “Yes, one out of a thousand may work out, but I’m telling you, it’s not working out.” But rather than being discouraged by this, Mowrez sees it as part of the journey. “That doesn’t mean you’re a failure,” he insists. “You got to move on. You have to try one more, one more, one more.”

This resilience has helped Mowrez navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, and he’s eager to pass on this advice to others. He encourages aspiring creatives and business owners to study the lives of successful people, not to copy them but to understand their challenges.

After seven years away, Mowrez is returning his business to Southeast Asia. He’s planning to expand into Bali and hopes to open in Malaysia as well. For Mowrez, who considers Malaysia his “home that nourished me into who I am today,” it’s a chance to give back to the community that shaped him.

As for the future, Mowrez remains open to wherever his path might lead next. “Being open to experience different things, I guess it kind of helped me pursue the world and see the world as the man I am today,” he reflects.

Mowrez’s journey is far from over. But one thing’s certain: whatever he does next, he’ll do it with love.

Follow Mowrez on his official page.

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