Limkokwing University of Creative Technology
The theme of World Tourism Day this year is “Sustainable Tourism – A Tool for Development”.
Officiating the launch, MOTAC Secretary General YBhg. Datuk Hj. Ab. Ghaffar A. Tambi said, “Malaysia has paved its way to becoming one of the major players in international tourism. This industry is currently our second most important in terms of foreign exchange earnings. We have significantly grown from a mere 5.5 million tourist arrivals in 1998 to 26.7 million in 2016 and have contributed US$ 20 billion in the form of tourism receipts to the local economy.”
Highlighting the importance of tourism to Malaysia, he said this year’s theme presents a unique opportunity to raise all-round awareness on the contribution of sustainable tourism to development, while mobilising all stakeholders to work together in making tourism a catalyst to positive change.
During the panel discussion, Limkokwing University representative Michelle Moeketsi from Botswana said the University’s ongoing efforts to globalise education and promote edu-tourism has seen it establish campuses across Asia, Africa and Europe. “Currently the University has students from over 150 countries at its Cyberjaya campus.”
She also shared Botswana’s tourism landscape and lessons it can learn from Malaysia in efforts to sustain its tourism sector.
Giving the private sector perspective, Mr. Mohammad Faeez Mohamad Fadhlillah from the Malaysian Association of Tours & Travel Agents (MATTA) said tourism is one of the top five sectors that create employment.
He also said the private sector is the first place of contact when tourists enter the country.
“One has to note that tourism involves the private sector. Looking at the concept of sustainability in tourism, inputs of the private sector have to be highly considered.”
Other participants of the panel discussion were YBhg. Dato Mohmed Razip Hasan from Tourism Malaysia, Mr. Anthony Wong from Malaysian Association of Hotels (MAH), and Dr. Robin Tan Chun Hong from Taylor’s University.
The discussion was moderated by former Secretary General of MOTAC YBhg. Tan Sri Dr. Ong Hong Peng.
Since 1980, World Tourism Day has been celebrated every 27 September – marking the day the Statutes of the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) entered into force. Over the past 37 editions, World Tourism Day has featured topics ranging from peace and dialogue, energy, accessibility, to world heritage and water.