Muhammad Hafiz Yusri Bin Abdul Rahim from Singapore @ Limkokwing University of Creative Technology

Muhammad Hafiz Yusri Bin Abdul Rahim from Singapore

10 April 2017

Hafiz is on his final semester of the Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Digital Film & Television programme. He discovered his passion for film at a young age and after his national service in Singapore, he embarked on a journey to find the best university to pursue his film degree.

“I always used to watch films with my grandfather and I started enquiring how movies are made. My grandfather had limited knowledge on it so my curiosity drove me to do extensive research about films. That’s how I got started.”

Pursuing a Passion for Film

After his O Levels, Hafiz contemplated about the next step to take because his father wanted him to pursue business, but in the end, he relented and gave him the go-ahead to do film.

“Since there are limited film courses in Singapore, I started scouting for the best university to pursue my studies at. I landed in Malaysia because the film industry here is developing rapidly.”

“At first I thought I’m going to study for a while and go back to Singapore to develop myself and start a business. However, when I first set foot in Limkokwing University, my plans for going back changed because of the vast networking opportunities that the University offers.”

Studying Film in a Diverse Environment

For Hafiz, studying film in Limkokwing’s multicultural environment constantly gives him a variety of ideas and creative concepts for his projects.

“The diversity here absolutely impacts my train of thought on projects. Learning about other cultures exposes me to a lot of knowledge that I would not have known if I didn’t study here.”

He applauded Limkokwing University’s hands-on teaching approach because he believes that it enables students to tap into their creative potential.

Future Plans

“I may start working here. I am interested in the idea of starting a production house here because the market is quite huge here compared to Singapore.”

On giving advice to students he said, “Read more books and go out there and meet people you never know where and who you’d get inspiration from.”

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