As a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Animation graduate from Limkokwing University, Sara’s academic journey had its challenges, especially regarding her final-year project. Here, she had to balance the creation of elaborate, diverse backgrounds with a ticking deadline while battling a growing sense of uncertainty. “The way I overcame it was by not focusing too much on how much I had yet to do,” she revealed, “instead, I just focused on the background I was working on, and when that was done, I just moved on to the next.”
This tenacity, coupled with a strong support network of classmates, was a major factor in her personal and academic growth. These projects honed her understanding of her creative abilities and limitations while providing practical experience with design principles and animation techniques.
Animation, for Sara, has been a beacon of opportunities and new beginnings. She said, “It has opened up new opportunities as I would never have been involved in this field otherwise.” Her time at Limkokwing University also introduced her to a community of creative minds, a treasure trove of experience for which she is deeply grateful.
Sara credits much of her success to her project advisors and lecturers from Limkokwing University’s Faculty of Multimedia Creativity, who gave her a strong foundation in software skills and workflow efficiency. They also extended their unwavering support and constructive feedback, which was vital to her successful project completion.
Reflecting on her journey, Sara feels confident that her designs are a living testament to the skills and knowledge she has acquired at Limkokwing University. From a novice in digital illustrations, 2D and 3D animation, she has grown into a skilled animator, adept in various software and capable of creating evocative animated works.
As for what comes next, Sara has a clear plan in sight. “I plan to work in a background department of a 2D animation company for a few years,” she disclosed, seeking to expand her skills and experience in a real-world setting.
Sara Hoh Wen Hui’s journey is an inspiring testament to the transformative power of passion and resilience. It paints a vivid picture of how, with determination and a love for one’s craft, the future can indeed be animated to life.