Limkokwing Cambodia Award for the most outstanding high school students @ Limkokwing University of Creative Technology

Limkokwing Cambodia Award for the most outstanding high school students

12 January 2022

  • Limkokwing Cambodia Award for the most outstanding high school students
  • Limkokwing Cambodia Award for the most outstanding high school students

In support of the Cambodian Royal Government and Ministry of education’s mission to promote the best competitive higher education in the regional and global market, Limkokwing debuted the Award for the Most Outstanding High School Students.

As a first to be initiated by a private University in the country, the award competition gave a platform for all grade twelve students from 100 high schools nationwide to showcase their creative talents and innovation.

From the 569 participants, 10 emerged as finalists after four stages of rigorous selection. The top 10 students were obliged to submit a motivational video and answer the oral questions conducted on campus by the University’s screening committee, to validate their proficiency and competitiveness in oral communication.

Prizes included financial packages worth 22 million riels, followed by 10 scholarships, worth 300 million riels. The awardees will have an unmatched opportunity to join a globalised environment, learn with the most high tech facilities and be equipped with the most up to date technological skills and global mindset to transition smoothly into high income careers after graduation.

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