UN European Ambassador Visits Limkokwing University @ Limkokwing University of Creative Technology

UN European Ambassador Visits Limkokwing University

15 May 2017

  • UN European Ambassador Visits Limkokwing University
  • UN European Ambassador Visits Limkokwing University
  • UN European Ambassador Visits Limkokwing University
  • UN European Ambassador Visits Limkokwing University

Limkokwing University welcomed European Ambassador H.E. Maria Castillo Fernandez to the Cyberjaya campus on 20 April 2017 to discuss collaboration in education opportunities.

H.E. Maria Castillo Fernandez was appointed as Head of EU Delegation to Malaysia last year. She previously served as Head of Division for India, Nepal, Bhutan and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) within the European External Action Service (EEAS).

“The education agenda is something that we are trying to push,” said Her Excellency Maria Castillo Fernandez in regards to the visit. “We are meeting universities from other countries to provide education opportunities.”

During the visit, Her Excellency met with Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Dr. Lim Kok Wing to discuss and elaborate on the education collaboration framework. The collaboration would enable Limkokwing University to provide scholarship opportunities to European students with the possibility to pursue their studies in Malaysia.

Limkokwing University’s multicultural learning environment would enable students to build character and develop knowledge in preparation for a career in a global environment.

“The programme would enable students to connect and move around,” she added. “We are now trying to get as many universities to interact with each other as possible.”

“While Malaysia is not working closely with UN at the moment, we would like to make that happen.”

Limkokwing University is an active supporter of the United Nations Council through education and various humanitarian efforts. The University has previously partnered with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to establish the Heal the World programme.

Launched in 2009, Heal the World is a peace and outreach initiative spearheaded by Limkokwing students to promote compassion and social awareness through campaigns and fundraising activities for global concerns.

Limkokwing University is a multicultural learning environment that encourages tolerance, understanding and global communication. This fosters a competitive spirit with multicultural awareness and global networking opportunities allowing graduates to succeed internationally.

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