Limkokwing University of Creative Technology
Students under the Multimedia Development Corporation scholarship (MDeC) started their journey with Limkokwing University. The students attended a two week orientation, following their registration with the University.
MDeC is an organization which oversees Malaysia’s Information and Communication Technology initiatives. The organization offers scholarships to Malaysian students for pursuing full-time undergraduate and postgraduate studies at recognized Institutions of Higher Learning in Malaysia and abroad.
The students were offered scholarship through the Creative Industry Lifelong Learning programme (CILL), a scheme created to address the shortcomings of the creative content sector in skilled manpower. The scholarship covers tuition fees, other supporting fees, living allowance, and learning materials. MDeC started the scholarship this year, and it will go on every three months, covering students from all over Malaysia.
The students in Limkokwing University will be doing two years diploma course. Upon completion, they will continue to an On Job Training programme.
The professional diplomas for this intake are: Graphic & Digital Design, which will take 18 students, Digital Animation receiving six students, Web & Interactive Design receiving 15 students, Event Production receiving 12 students, Sound & Music receiving one student and four students going for Fashion Design.
nFifteen of the students have hearing impairment, and they will be joining the University’s hearing impaired society. Alongside their courses, they will take sign languages classes, where they will learn interacting well with non-disabled people who do not use sign languages. The Limkokwing hearing impaired society has already graduated more than 50 students, who are all well established in the industry.
The students’ orientation week was filled with events aimed at acquainting them with their new surroundings before they start their studies. After their registration day, they met with MDeC officers and the University’s management for a briefing regarding their scholarship terms, where they also signed the scholarship agreement with the MDeC officers.
The week proceeded with a tour of the University campus, followed by an ice breaker session where they played games and got a chance to interact and get to know each other. The orientation was concluded by a tour of Putrajaya.