Limkokwing University of Creative Technology
Currently the director at Step Higher Investments, a company that deals with project management, architecture, interior design and management consultancy, Magongo said he took the leap to be his own boss after he had been to the University where he was equipped with entrepreneurship skills, thus helping him gain the confidence to establish his own business.
“I studied for an Associate Degree in Architecture and graduated 2014.”
“My stint at the university was an adventurous one which introduced me to the world of innovation and creativity. Not only was I equipped with the skills but I was also taught on how to package it and present it to the world.”
“The university equips one with innovation and creativity skills more-so because we would be given the practical part of everything we would learn. I was also taught to be my own boss through entrepreneurship skills. Limkokwing makes education fun.”
“This approach is very critical to the times we live in where we are faced with unemployment and therefore this approach seeks to address that aspect as it creates a crop of entrepreneurs which enables us to survive with or without jobs. It also opens doors for us.”
“The graduation has to be the highlight of my stay at Limkokwing because that was my reward for all the hardwork I had been putting in during the course of study, especially because I was juggling work and school.”
“My first semester will also be another treasured memory as I got to learn a lot being around people from different backgrounds in a tertiary setting. That was fun.”
“It was to fire my boss’ and start my own business. This makes me look forward to each and every day as I do what I love the most.”
“Limkokwing opened my understanding on the approach to business. It made me understand that your passion should pay you.”
“I would say they should be sure and research before they start. Passion will pay you so don’t give up. Dreams do come true.”