Projection Mapping by Erick Alcala @ Limkokwing University of Creative Technology

Projection Mapping by Erick Alcala

8 April 2017

  • Projection Mapping by Erick Alcala
  • Projection Mapping by Erick Alcala

Venezuelan Visual Artist Erick Alcala gave Limkokwing University students a talk about the multimedia industry on 29 March 2017.

The multidisciplinary designer has 22 years of experience in graphic design and multimedia services such as web design, 3D modeling, animation and motion graphics.

Erick is currently a senior creative lead and art director who drives the ‘Magic Department’ where big projects from around the world are executed. He works with co-hubs in USA, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Venezuela.

The industry talk was attended by students from four faculties, namely Design Innovation (FDI), Communications and Broadcasting (FCMB), Multimedia and Creativity (FMC) and the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment (FCMB).

During the talk Erick Alcala shared his experience in the multimedia industry, tips on how to become a successful visual artist, emerging trends and his recent projects. He also went in-depth to explain various concepts on projection mapping.

“My passion for arts began at a very early stage. Some of my relatives were designers. I always had a keen interest in their art libraries and decided I wanted to have a career along those lines,” Erick said.

“When I came to Malaysia I was already well versed with printing and digital, but I was lacking skills in 3D and after effects. What I learned at Limkokwing filled in that gap for me.”

He said to excel in the multimedia industry one has to have courage and will.

Mohammad Alsalti studying multimedia said, “Today I learned about projection mapping and how it can be used in various industry. The most interesting aspect about today was because Mr Erick Alcala is a Limkokwing alumni and it really inspired me to strive and be on his level.”

Ahmad Mahfooz mentioned that he believes industry talks are beneficial for students because they learn the ins and outs of the industry.

“Before today’s talk, I didn’t even know projection mapping was a term. I just used to see light and projectors but didn’t know what they called so I learned quite a lot.”

“Apart from today’s talk it’s apparent that Limkokwing University’s teaching method is creative because of many alumni in the industry,” Ahmad concluded.

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