Limkokwing University of Creative Technology
The meeting was to discuss the transformational benefit and development of Mongolian students through participation in University programmes both in the UK and in Mongolia. In particular under the terms, the University is making available ten full tuition fees scholarships to Mongolian nationals (five for undergraduate study and five for postgraduate study) to study at the University’s London campus from September 2014. The Embassy in conjunction with the relevant Government Ministry will recommend ten students of the best ability from various backgrounds for the scholarships for the University’s consideration.
Further, the Government of Mongolia will work with the University to facilitate in establishing collaborative relationships with suitable educational partners in Mongolia so that Limkokwing University programmes can be offered and its expertise made available to Mongolian institutions in order to better achieve ongoing national growth and development.
The Pro Vice-Chancellor (International) Professor Cedric Bell of Limkokwing London expressed his sincere hope that this agreement develops into a mutually beneficial partnership between the Limkokwing, Mongolia and its young people. His Excellency Tulga Narkhuu on behalf of the Embassy and Government of Mongolia expressed his pleasure and gratitude to Limkokwing University and its founder and president, Tan Sri Dato Sri Paduka Dr. Lim Kok Wing in making ten scholarships available to Mongolian nationals. He further expressed the hope that the University programmes could soon be made available in Mongolia itself.