Limkokwing University of Creative Technology
The launching ceremony began with the Vice-Chancellor of Limkokwing University Dato’ Prof Dr Hj Mohd Razali Agus welcoming the special guest-of-honour, PTPTN Chairman YBHG Datuk Wan Saiful Wan Jan and his entourage.
Dato’ Razali said the scholarship scheme is a continuation of the legacy of the late Founder President of the Limkokwing University, Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Dr. Limkokwing. He added it is a tradition that is integrally LUCT as demonstrated today.
He conveyed the university’s appreciation to YBHG Datuk Wan Saiful for officiating the launch of the Limkokwing Scholarship which will provide wider opportunities to eligible B40 students for admission to Limkokwing University through the academic collaboration between LUCT and PTPTN.
Later, in his speech, PTPTN Chairman YBHG Datuk Wan Saiful bin Wan Jan said the Limkokwing scholarship scheme was worth more than RM18 million and would largely benefit the B40 class of students. The scheme will offer them the chance to take up a Diploma in IT and the option to further their studies through a Bachelor of Science in Mobile Computing
He said the LUCT allocation is “very large and will certainly benefit Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia graduates from low-income families to continue their studies to the highest level.”
YBHG Datuk Wan Saiful bin Wan Jan is optimistic the scholarships will give the 500 B40 students an opportunity to acquire higher education at Limkokwing University. The scholarships will provide for 300 applications at the Diploma level and 200 at the Bachelor’s Degree level respectively.
Describing the Limkokwing initiative as “a noble endeavour” one that will give the parents peace of mind while assuring a brighter future for their children, he indicated that PTPTN is ready to work with all Private Institutions of Higher Learning (IPTS) to expand opportunities for higher education at the local level which is in line with its intention that “no student fails to enter IPT for financial reasons.”
Datuk Wan Saiful bin Wan Jan emphasised that “scholarship support like the Limkokwing allocation will inspire other Private Higher Education Institutions to implement similar programs so as to provide optimal benefits to the entire Malaysian community, especially in empowering national education.”
Also held simultaneously with the scholarship announcement, the University’s Iftar Ramadan event hosted 130 orphans from the Welfare, Education & Tahfiz Center, Baitul Ulfah Center, Maahad Tahfiz Anak Yatim Darul Fuqaha and Madrasah Tahfiz Mahiratun Nisa.
Congratulating the children, Datuk Wan Saiful bin Wan Jan pointed out that they will continue their studies at Limkokwing once they have completed their Malaysian Certificate of Education (MCE).
The first-of-its-kind collaboration with PTPTN, the Limkokwing Scholarships for 500 B40 students offers children from lower-income families the unique opportunity to receive world-class higher education at the Limkokwing University of Creative Technology.