Limkokwing University of Creative Technology
ASIC is an independent body specialising in the accreditation of schools, colleges, universities, training organisations, online and distance education providers worldwide. It has accredited and currently accrediting institutions in: Australia, Botswana, Cambodia, Denmark, France, Iran, India, Ireland, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Singapore, Switzerland, USA and Vietnam.
The organisation bestowed Limkokwing University with the Global Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Model University award and the President/Founder of the University, Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Dr. Lim Kok Wing with the Transformational Leadership in Global TVET Education Award. “Today marks an important milestone in the University’s endeavors as we path our way to develop skilled human resource for Malaysia and the students from 150 countries who come through us to gain their knowledge and acquire skills,” said Dato’ Fajura Juffa, Limkokwing University Vice President Corporate Relations and Student Affairs.
ASIC recognises the University’s successful systematic delivery of industry-relevant programmes across the globe as well as its Founder and President’s pioneering efforts in education.
The Chairman of ASIC, Mr. Maurice Dimmock credited the University as the first of its kind to give credence to creativity and technology, which are twin pillars of industrial success and innovation.
“Since inception in 1991, the University was formed with profound influence by industrial thinking. The industry aspect remains a strong feature of this University, which is evident through its curriculum, its environment its literature and also some of the conferences it organises,” said Mr. Dimmock.
The Limkokwing Vice President, Dato’ Raja Aznil Bin Raja Hisham acknowledged that the University is placed with the responsibility of fast tracking young people with the right basics to adapt to a rapidly evolving work place scenario and at the same time up skilling working adults to keep them industry relevant.
Mr. Maurice Dimmock congratulated Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Lim Kok Wing for his outstanding leadership in education and conceded that the Transformational Leadership in Global T.V.E.T. Education award is more than befitting to him.
“I have known Tan Sri Lim Kok Wing for about 30 years; his leadership is truly transformational and truly creative. I honestly cannot think of any University as creative as Limkokwing University, it has managed to bring in the vocational aspect of education to higher education creating the best of both worlds; the development of higher level knowledge applied to industrial needs, and this is what is required worldwide,” he concluded.