Limkokwing University of Creative Technology
The Durex Naked Box Contest launched this worldwide competition to strategically engage the youth globally, in creating awareness about safe sex. Moreover, Durex’s aim was also to involve each and every participant to challenge each other for the creative development of the new box, which would be merchandised worldwide upon selection. Participants get their designs to be voted on Durex’s official facebook page, and the 12 designs with highest votes would be sent to the panel of judges by Durex.
Limkokwing University students from the Faculty of Design Innovation managed to make it to the national level of the competition. Each student was briefed and was given the freedom to explore their creativity and come up their own design for packaging.
After speaking to the students they were all very excited and they had their own story to share of how they made it a must to win, and how they tried to make these designs as unique as possible. Thinking out of the box is one of Limkokwing’s strengths and these three students made it clear that they dwell in creativity and are trained to think innovatively.
According to Tan Pei Xia (Diploma in Graphic Design, Sem 6), she was “very excited about winning this competition on a national level.” She added that it was totally unexpected and she wanted to thank her lecturers and she is even more happier because the other two students are her classmates and they are all proud.
Ku Farina bt Ku Mohammad Sani spoke more about her design: “My design was inspired by Durex brand itself. Durex is always about safety. There is a short story about the design. As you can see the thick outline is a condom shape and inside it there are few cute characters which I call it sperm. I juxtaposition the characters by using water splash and sperm shape. From the bottom, the characters looked happy and excited and when it reached up their faces turned unhappy and sad. The reason why is because the condom protects it from going out. The design is straight forward but at the same time it is not obvious because I had interpreted it in different way.I want to thank my lecturer for guiding me all the way through.”
Upon meeting Syaza Nabilah bt Za’Ba she expressed her happiness, and thanked her lecturers and the University: “I still can’t believe that I won in national level and all of us are from Limkokwing University, that’s even more exciting. I would like to really thank my Lecturers for their help, as they taught us how to think and work creatively.”
The prize giving ceremony took place at Reckitt Benkiser Sdn Bhd in Mutiara Damansara, on the 29th August. All three students were accompanied by Limkokwing University lecturers. Tan Pei Xia won the 1st prize of Rm 500, Ku Farina bt Ku Mohammad Sani took away Rm 300 in 2nd place and Syaza Nabilah bt Za’Ba won Rm 200 in 3rd place. Last but not least, Limkokwing University of Creative Technology won an LED TV.
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