Limkokwing University of Creative Technology
Established in 2014, her company is a retailer and repair shop specialising in various sizes and patterns of tyres for all vehicles. The self driven entrepreneur is living her dream of having her own business and aiming to become one of the most successful businesswomen in Lesotho. Before joining Limkokwing University in 2008, Liako did her first degree in South Africa but dropped out after realising the programme she undertook does not match what she aspires for.
When she arrived in Lesotho she heard that Limkokwing University was setting up and she enrolled under Bachelor of Business (Hons) in International Business.
Liako, who is the first born of five children praises the University for shaping her future to what she envisioned “My studies at Limkokwing University were interestingly, challenging. The modules offered equipped me to see the world of business differently; I could feel myself as a business manager while a student due to the Limkokwing teaching style. At Limkokwing we practice exactly what the market place demands. We did through school projects and regular presentations.”
“As a business graduate with a particular interest in International Business I learnt so much about myself and others and the competencies needed for professional career, not only through classes and communication with lecturers, but also through exploration and researches. These skills differentiate me in the career market, giving me a competitive edge, and ultimately carry me towards success in the international business world,” she further explained.
Liako is a beacon of hope to her former classmates and as an upcoming Entrepreneur, she believes studying at Limkokwing was an advantage in her current business as she has been equipped with all the principles that regulates International Business; She knows how to market her business to reach the potential clients, does her finances and imports stock abroad.
She confidently reveals that it was not an easy journey and she had to work hard to be where she is today. “To date I personally think that I have achieved my dream of being my own boss and I was brave to take a risk of investing such amount of money in this business that I was not sure if it will succeed as planned.”
On her advice to succeed she said, “It does not matter how many times one fails; It does not matter how many times one almost get it right. No one is going to know or care about ones failures, and neither should you. All one have to do is to learn from them and those around him/her because all that matters in business is that you get it right once.”
Liako hopes to see her business operating in the 10 districts of Lesotho and other African countries in the near future.