Limkokwing University of Creative Technology
“I moved to Malaysia when I was still a teenager. I spent 13 years in Korea and about 8 to 9 years here in Malaysia. When I came to Malaysia in 2008, my purpose was to study English so I enrolled in an international school and studied it for about 4 years.”
“In 2012 September I joined Limkokwing University; that was one of the best decisions I made. I was attracted by its high-end technology more so that I wanted to do Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Industrial Design which is very hands on. Limkokwing University has unique 3D programmes, that’s why I chose it and actually the Industrial design course is very rare in Malaysia.”
“What really stands though is that Limkokwing University encourages students to study in a diverse background which enables them to expand their individual talents and to respond to emerging opportunities in the field. Faculty members are scholars and design practitioners, giving students the opportunity to learn about both.”
“My life at Limkokwing was very interesting and busy. There is a lot of energy on campus and every week you are sure to see an event, this makes life on campus so fun. The events, especially cultural events are most exciting because you get to learn in depth about other cultures.”
“Team projects are awesome at Limkokwing University, I got to be in groups with students from all over the world, and I got to see and understand concepts from different points of view. This practice I believe expands your knowledge and makes you a well rounded graduate.”