Limkokwing University of Creative Technology

International Services

International Services

A global university with more than 30,000 students from all over the world, Limkokwing University works closely with the Immigration Department to ensure all our international students meet immigration procedures to enjoy a happy and trouble-free stay in Malaysia.

Immigration Policies

Please read through all the information carefully to minimise delay and other problems that may arise regarding your student pass. Alternatively, you may consult our marketing counsellors or email for assistance.

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Requirements for New International Students :

You must have a minimum validity of 18 months (1 ½ year) in your passport in order to enter the country.

Procedure for New International Students :

  • To apply for your student pass, please coordinate and send all the necessary documents to the University’s marketing counsellors. They will submit this to the Immigration Department of Malaysia for processing. Please note that the Visa Approval Letter (VAL) processing will take 6 to 8 weeks after you submit your complete set of documents.
  • All new students MUST go to the nearest Malaysian Embassy of the country of origin to obtain a Single Entry Visa (SEV) before entering Malaysia. Please refer to this link to check whether your country requires the SEV.
  • The VAL is valid for only six (6) months. You should get your Single Entry Visa and come to Malaysia at least one (1) month before your VAL expires.
  • Once you get your Single Entry Visa and have made your travel arrangements, inform the University at least seven (7) working days before leaving your country. Please bring a copy of your VAL.
  • Post medical screening (medical checkup requirement after obtaining eVAL) should be done within 7 days with an EMGS panel clinic upon arrival in Malaysia and you are required to submit the medical slip and your passport to the Visa Unit at least 14 working days before your Social Visa (Entry stamp to Malaysia) expires. Late submission of your passport will require you to pay a Penalty of RM1700 or onwards.
  • You may download the medical forms here
  • You are required to re-apply as a new student if your eVAL has expired. Please note there is no extension for eVAL renewal.
  • As required by the Malaysian government, international students MUST undergo two sets of health examination/medical check-up:
  • First health examination (pre medical screening) which should be done before applying for your eVAL for student pass from the country of origin. Please refer to this link to check EMGS panel clinic in your origin country
  • Please note that it is compulsory for students from India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka to do a medical screening at an EMGS Registered Clinic in their home country.
  • You are required to perform the post arrival medical health check within three (3) days upon arrival with the appointed panel clinics by EMGS. You may obtain the form and the list of appointed panel clinics from the Visa Department.
  • You must submit your passport to the department once your medical check-up is approved (please make sure the EMGS status has reached 80%).
  • The Visa Department will submit your passport to EMGS for student pass endorsement. The endorsement process may take approximately two (2) – three (3) weeks. This duration is just an estimation and is subjected to EMGS and Immigration.
  • The appeal of the medical health check report is subject to the approval from the EMGS.
  • It is your responsibility to perform the medical check-up and submit your passport to the Visa Department within the stipulated time or it will cause insufficient time for EMGS to process your student pass endorsement. If you submit your passport after the expiry date, it is considered an overstay.
  • The eVAL is your letter from the Immigration allowing you to study in Malaysia.
  • Single Entry Visa is a stamp or sticker in your passport issued by the Malaysian Embassy.

You must abide by Malaysian laws at all times

You have committed a case of misconduct when:
  • You are found guilty of criminal charges by court.
  • You are involved in any jobs, trades or the like, on part-time basis, which are deemed illegal in the Immigration Ordinance 1959 and the Immigration Rules and Regulations 1963 or other laws or that which could affect his studies.
It is considered a serious offence if a student:
  • is found to be in possession of any kind of drugs and poisons. The term ‘drug’ is as defined in the Dangerous Drug Act 1952.
  • is found to provide, to supply, to distribute, to offer or to prepare any of the above drugs or poisons to any other parties.
  • is involved in drug abuse of any kind.
  • is found to be in possession of any kind of drugs and poisons. The term ‘drug’ is as defined in the Dangerous Drug Act 1952.

You are to abide by all the rules and regulations that are enforced by the institution.

Important Updates


  • There are no pickups during weekends and on public holidays. (Please check with the International Student Services Department for a complete listing of public holidays.)

International Student Service Department

Inovasi 1-1, Jalan Teknokrat 1/1
63000 Cyberjaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
(+603) 8317 8888
Business Hours :

Monday to Friday : 8.30am to 5.00pm

Saturday : 8.30am to 12.00pm