Limkokwing University of Creative Technology
The celebration gave the Indonesian students the chance to share their country’s national day celebration with Limkokwing’s multicultural student population hailing from different nations.
Themed ‘Serabi’, the celebration began with white-uniformed student dressed as ‘Paskibra’ (Pasukan Pengibar Bendera) carrying the ‘Sang Saka Merah Putih’ (the Indonesian flag) during the flag raising ceremony that was followed by singing the country’s national anthem, ‘Indonesia Raya’.
“It feels fantastic because it made me feel as though I am back home,” said Harry Gunawan who is studying Digital Film & Television under the Faculty of Communication, Media & Broadcasting (FCMB).
For Harry, this was his first time away from his country and also his first Indonesian Independence celebration while abroad.
Indonesian student Devia Pinasthika, studying Fashion and Retailing under Faculty of Fashion & Lifestyle Creativity (FFLC) was also thrilled with first Independence Day celebration abroad.
“I get to meet other students from Indonesia in this event,” she said while adding that the University allowed her to experience the life outside the country and learn new cultures to appreciate diversity.
The event was organised by the Merah Putih Club consisting of Indonesian student community that caters to Indonesians studying at Limkokwing University. The club envision to unite Indonesian students within the University as well as Malaysia.
Merah Putih Club is a medium for Indonesian students to express and nurture their creative talents by developing their networking skills.
“Students tend to feel homesick when they are far away from home,” explained Merah Putih Club President Orista Primadewa, studying BA (Hons) Digital Films & Television under the Faculty of Communication, Media & Broadcasting (FCMB).
“The Merah Putih club was created to help students keep in touch with their national identity and solidarity with their country.”
The Serabi celebration was open to everyone at the University whereby they could participate in various games such as the Ring Toss, Face Painting and tug of war. Visitors could sample several Indonesian delicacies and buy souvenirs while watching cultural performances.
At Limkokwing University, students are taught the importance of multiculturalism by recognising the need to ensure that everyone is recognised and respected. This encourages understanding and appreciation among students while exposing them to various cultures that fosters friendship and international networking upon graduation.