
“The future will always be defined by people who have the tenacity to succeed no matter what the odds may be and reach beyond the ordinary. They achieve extraordinary success, and in doing so they transform countries.”
– Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Limkokwing
Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Limkokwing: A Creative Genius, A Rebel At Heart.
He transformed the Malaysian private education landscape. He penetrated the Malaysian psyche to understand the importance of creativity and design. Today, that formula is being embraced by governments across Africa and the developing world. Malaysia is today a leading player in global higher education because of his leadership. Youths from over 165 countries are enrolled with his University. He has forged partnerships with the Commonwealth, the United Nations, foreign governments and industry giants to transform the way youths are being educated.
Flashback of an incredible journey that began over 30 years ago.
Every milestone is marked by achievements that have overcome obstacles over the decades. The Limkokwing journey is no exception. It was one made more exciting with each passing mile. From humble origins to our proud standing as a reputable global university – founded on creativity and innovation – the Limkokwing story is a lifelong journey that must be told and retold.
1991 – 2000
Starting out as the Limkokwing Institute of Creative Technology it was the first of its kind institution to prioritise creativity. It reduced the creative talent drain and built a new genre of graduates skilled in the use of new technology. It helped Malaysian industries make the transition into a technology-led era.
2001 – 2010
Transforming into a global institution the first Malaysian private college that became a full-fledged university and went on to break new ground, establishing campuses in Botswana, Africa and London, UK. It also moved into a purpose-built flagship campus in Cyberjaya, Malaysia that brought students from across the world.
2011 – 2020
One of the fastest growing universities in the world, Limkokwing University has set up more than 10 campuses in Asia, Africa and Europe. Students from 165 countries made the University a mini-United Nations.
2021 – Current
Enormous challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic has led to the reinvention of the University with emphasis on online delivery of programmes. New challenges are looming as we review the impact on industry and how we need to recalibrate our programmes to match what will be needed in the new norm workplace.