Limkokwing University of Creative Technology
His final project, a 3D Animation titled ‘Spike’, is a short story animation about a boy who went fishing with an elderly man. The project received a Golden Sailing Award for Best 3D Animation from the Beijing Film Academy’s Modern Creative Media College.
“The story for my film came from a dream I had years ago,” he said. “I woke up and tried to write and draw as much as I could remember about that particular dream.”
When the University asked him to write a script for his final project, he immediately took the notes he had of the dream from his notebook.
“That was my chance to make that dream real and I enjoyed every single thing about the process.”
He admitted that being nominated for an award made him feel a little nervous.
“I am normally the toughest critic of my work but when I see that what I have made can move people, then I can relax and say to myself that I did well.”
For him, the biggest challenge he had to face was to ensure that his film remained faithful to its purpose, which was to entertain the viewers.
“There are many factors during the production that can take you away from your focus or make you change your mind,” he said. “Things like timing, stress and insecurity.”
Randy credits the University’s Faculty of Multimedia and Creativity lecturers for their dedication and support. He also acknowledges his classmates for sharing their valuable opinions and for being an important part of the production.
“They supported me entirely and believed in my movie,” he said while mentioning that they also worked hard to show and submit the movie in several competitions.
Randy expressed that the recognition and award for his animation project was an amazing surprise for him.
“My final school project was recognised as the Best Animation of the year 2015,” he said. “It is a big honour and I am very grateful for that.”
He credited his three-year experience at Limkokwing University that enabled him to nurture his creative potential through multiculturalism.
“The environment in the campus empowers the learning process,” he explained. “I was inspired to create something great.”
He considers it a big privilege to be able to work with qualified lecturers at Limkokwing University.
After graduating from Limkokwing University, Randy has worked as a storyboard artist in several countries including Italy, Spain, India and Mexico. He says he is now working on the preproduction of his second animated short film.
“This award is a great recommendation letter,” he said. “I was just happy to do a degree in such distinguished University.”
Randy also added that the most important thing he gained was the opportunity to publicise his work to a bigger audience while inspiring himself to keep working.
The award would complement his curriculum vitae by establishing his skills as an award-winning storyteller and professional animator.
Ultimately, he advises students to absorb as much as they can while studying and use the opportunity to gain knowledge from their lecturers.
“Do your best in every task you take, no matter how big or small it is.”