Limkokwing University of Creative Technology
On 11 September, the latest batch of students in the Global Campus programme at Limkokwing London held their project presentation day.
This group of students started their Global Campus experience on 18 August, and after an intensive month-long programme of lectures, educational visits and project work, the students finally reached their ultimate goal: Project Presentation Day!
For this Global Campus group, the students were divided into two streams: Business Innovation and Design Innovation, and under these two streams they were further split into two teams for Business Innovation and three teams for Design Innovation.
Held in the stately Robert Adam Room at Limkokwing London, the students presented a series of imaginative, visually striking and well-researched presentations to the judges. Limkokwing London’s Academic Coordinator and Senior Lecturer Mehrdad Borna opined, “Staff at the campus were once again amazed and delighted by the commitment, diligence and enthusiasm of the teams in producing such a large body of work within such a limited time-span.”
The panel of judges for the day consisted of two specially invited judge; Rob Bye of Design Students UK and Joshua Jones of ATHE (Awards for Training and Higher Education). The remaining panel members were Paul Gilliam, Zoe Richardson, Illugi Eysteinsson and Chris Hughes. The panel was chaired by Mehrdad Borna.
The Business Innovation students were invited to present first. Each team was given ten minutes to complete their presentation, followed with a five minute question and answer session with the judging panel.
First to present was team Urban Florists, led by Inayat Ayub (studying B. Business (Hons) in Accounting). Urban Florists’ concept was to market flowers (both real and artificial) sourced from various parts of the world, and initially aimed at a wealthy demographic. Large events, such as weddings were seen as excellent showcases for the company’s floral designs. Initially to be based in London’s Portobello Road, Urban Florists’ ambition was to open stores throughout Europe and eventually globally. This team had been supervised by Paul Gilliam and Zoe Richardson.
The second business team, led by Mohammed Ayaz Islam Chowdhury (studying B. Business (Hons) in International Business), presented a well-researched and informative case study of the long-established high-street fashion chain Laura Ashley, and briefly noted the company’s recent foray into hotel ownership.
For the Design Innovation stream, the Lowdi Design Challenge was chosen as the project for the students to do their presentations on. Organised by Design Students UK, the Lowdi Design Challenge is a competition open to all students studying in Britain. The brief given to the Design Innovation stream was for them to design a companion device to the Lowdi portable wireless speaker. As noted earlier, visiting judge Rob Bye is from the organisation which set the competition.
The first of the Design Innovation teams to present was team Electro-Motion, led by Lau Ee Ning (studying Bachelor of Science (Hons) of Construction Management). This team had designed a pair of wireless headphones with storage facility, and the ability to be deconstructed and turned into a pair of speakers utilising the headband as control/display. Internet marketing was also proposed, particularly with reference to influential technology reviewers. The team produced an extremely professional, well-structured and dynamic presentation which proved popular with both students and judges. This team had been mentored by Chris Hughes.
The second design team was team Zoomland, led by Shi Kang Wen (studying Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Professional Design (Visual Communication)). Zoomland had designed a pair of sleek and fashionable sunglass-headphones. Their presentation showcased some nice visualisations of the product and its packaging, and some well-researched technical details. The supervisor for this team was Sean Wilder.
The third design group to present was team Caravan of Design, led by Baqer Muslem Hasan Mohamed Ahmed Alasfoor (studying Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Information and Communication Technology). Their concept was a portable wireless projector with adjustable lens enabling images/films to be displayed anywhere, including on the ceiling! As well as an excellent presentation with nice visuals and graphics, the team had also created an impressive prototype model. The supervisor for this group was Illugi Eysteinsson.
The judges then retired to decide upon the winning team for each stream. After much deliberation, the winners were chosen, although the results were very close. For the Business Innovation stream, the winner was Laura Ashley, and for the Design Innovation stream, Caravan of Design. The prizes for each team were presented at the ceremony by the Limkokwing University’s Vice President Dato’ Tiffanee Lim.
Following the prize-giving, all students were awarded ATHE Certificates presented by its CEO, Joshua Jones. ATHE is an awarding organisation regulated by Ofqual (the UK Government’s Office of Qualifications and Examinations), and provide QCF (Qualifications and Credit Framework) awards to over 200 centres globally. ATHE has now approved Limkokwing Global Campus participants to receive the ATHE QCF Certificate, which as noted above is a UK-recognised qualification, and is the equivalent of a BTEC (Business and Technology Education Council) Certificate.
Mr. Jones was most impressed with the work completed by the students, done in only four weeks, and the professional manner in which the groups presented their projects.
The event ended with the presentation of Global Campus certificates by the supervisors to their respective teams.