Limkokwing University of Creative Technology


Want to enrol at Limkokwing but face financial constraints? Loans are offered in Limkokwing to lighten the burden. Study funds and scholarships within your reach include: Limkokwing Merit Scholarship Award, Limkokwing Alumni Privilege, the PTPTN Loan and the Maybank Ezy Payment Plan.

Application Criteria


Students must be genuinely undergoing financial difficulties


They must be academically deserving with good performance or results


They must be reasonably active in extracurricular activities


They must receive a recommendation from their lecturer or head of school
*Subject to the Ministry of Education’s rules and regulations.


The MARA loan is provided directly by MARA and you are to hold a minimum of 5 credits from the SPM results. If your family’s annual income amounts to RM50,000 and below, your tuition fees and allowance (eg: food, lodging) will be covered. However, if the income is above RM 50,000 and below RM 80,000, only your tuition fees will be covered by the loan.

Annual income of RM50,000 or less: Student is qualified to receive both Tuition Fees Loan and Monthly Allowance

Annual income between RM50,001 and RM80,000: Student will be qualified to receive only Tuition Fees Loan

Annual income of RM80,001 and above: Student is not qualified for this loan


The PTPTN loan (National Educational Loan) is offered to Malaysian diploma and degree holders. This loan is for an amount of RM5,000 up to RM 20,000 a year for selected courses in Limkokwing University of Creative Technology. It’s attractive as it has an easy repayment scheme and low interest rates.

Malaysian citizen

Not exceeding 45 years of age on date of application

Passed Malaysia Certificate of Education (SPM) with credits in any 3 subjects

Passed SPM for Community College Certificate and Polytechnic Diploma graduates with CGPA 3.0 and above

IPTA/IPTS/Polytechnic students must register to pursue courses approved by the IPT Management Department (IPTA/IPTS)/Polytechnic Management Department and Community College of the Ministry of Higher Education

IPTS students must obtain the Accreditation Certificate from the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA). The course and Accreditation Certificate approval period must still be valid on the date of application

All students must possess entry requirements determined by the Ministry of Higher Education to pursue the course. For students with qualifications that differ from that stipulated, verification that the said qualification is equivalent to the required qualification must be obtained from departments or agencies specified as above

The remaining period of study upon application must exceed one year

Have no other sponsor

Maybank Ezy Payment Plan

The Maybank Ezy Payment Plan is a six-month instalment plan with 0% interest. You can use the Maybank card for settling tuition fees for a one-year period. For further enquiries, seek assistance from our marketing staff in Limkokwing University of Creative Technology.

Enable disadvantaged Malaysian students to obtain tertiary education in the area of creative technology

Support the government’s call to train and produce knowledge workers for the Multimedia Super Corridor and the new media industry

Limkokwing Foundation Scholarship

In 2018, the Limkokwing Foundation for Creativity and Innovation embarked on a historic mission to Transform 100 Million Lives. The dream is big, the aim is simple – to ensure at least 100 million youths from disadvantaged backgrounds and marginalised communities are able to go to university to pursue a degree of their choice.We will provide full scholarships to deserving young men and women to attend Limkokwing University to gain a world-class education

Scholarship amount

All Course

All Limkokwing Diploma and Degree programmes

1 Year

Scholarship duration
(to be renewed annually-require)


Open to Malaysian and International applicants