Limkokwing University of Creative Technology
The 13, who graduated top of their class, were awarded a scholarship by Limkokwing University, to further their studies in the University’s Cyberjaya campus next year. Four of the students were awarded the ‘Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Limkokwing Award for Academic Excellence’, while the rest received the ‘Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Limkokwing Award for Leadership’.
The students will further their studies for two years, enrolled in in Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degrees in various disciplines, and should they continue keeping their performance exceptional, they will be offered a chance to study towards their Masters Degrees.
“They were eager to try new things, they became creative and innovative, a true representation of a Limkokwing student,” said the campus Associate Director, Mr. Motlhalefi Modiagane.
The graduates expressed gratitude to the University, especially to the Founder and President, Tan Sri Limkokwing, for his eagerness in ‘developing Africa and rescuing its youth from what might have been at best, a mediocre future’.
They vowed to continue performing at their best, and work hard to bring Swaziland to a developed nation status.
“Creativity is our middle name, we vow that we will take our country to a developed nation, as per vision 2022,” said Zakhele Dlamini, one of the graduates who received the scholarship.
During this event, the elated parents of the excelling students were given a campus tour, where they saw the quality facilities and high technology equipment their children had been studying in. In response, the parents praised the University for giving their children a lifetime opportunity to further their studies, and also for bringing international education to Swaziland.