Limkokwing Botswana virtually caps class of 2020 @ Limkokwing University of Creative Technology

Limkokwing Botswana virtually caps class of 2020

5 March 2021

  • Limkokwing Botswana virtually caps class of 2020
  • Limkokwing Botswana virtually caps class of 2020
  • Limkokwing Botswana virtually caps class of 2020
  • Limkokwing Botswana virtually caps class of 2020
  • Limkokwing Botswana virtually caps class of 2020
  • Limkokwing Botswana virtually caps class of 2020

Limkokwing ecosystem produces extraordinary graduates. Each one is a creative mind with talent that has been unleashed. Each one is a confident youth, comfortable with new media technology. Their creativity and innovative mindset sets them apart and today many are successful in their careers. Some have ventured into business as entrepreneurs within chosen fields with expertise while others have become important participants in growing business of the companies they are employed in.

Through its first ever most anticipated Class of 2020 Virtual Graduation, Limkokwing Botswana released another cohort of creative minds who have been successfully transformed and equipped with 21st century skills to help transform the nation’s industries. The ceremony was broadcast live on BTV, DSTV Channel 289 as well as the Limkokwing Facebook Page.

The ceremony was themed “Design Your Future” underscoring the capabilities and mindset fostered in our graduating students. The words; “Design Your Future’ are meant to inspire; as well as define the caliber and mindset of our graduating class which is highly skilled, highly adaptive, highly competitive and highly enterprising tech savvy creative thinkers.

In his occasional speech the guest of honor; Minister for Tertiary Education, Research, Science & Technology Honorable Dr. Douglas Letsholathebe, said, “Let us reflect on the journey of the Class of 2020. A few years ago, as you successfully applied for admission to this Institution, all you held was a dream, an ambition to change your lives for the better. Even as today marks the earning of you qualifications, we only understand that this is the beginning of multiple journeys of achievement, of experimentation and of self-improvement. By graduating from Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, you are better placed than most to exploit technology, entrepreneurial skills, creativity and other techniques of analysis and creation to self-employ.”

Limkokwing Botswana is pushing the education transformation envelope and is leading the way as the Innovation and Creativity Hub of Africa, and this is evident through this most globalised cohort of young professionals which is not only from the Botswana but also includes 12 students from Angola, China, Congo, Egypt, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Phillipnies, South Africa, eSwatini and Zimbabwe. Of the (654) graduates, a total of (51)  students were awarded with the Tan Sri Limkokwing Awards of Excellence.

Limkokwing University’s goal has always been to design graduates who can make meaningful contributions to society. Along the way the University wants to help shape their graduates’ characters while they develop their sense of values and impart to them the skills they need to become World-Class industry leaders.

All 654 students who virtually graduated were eager to experience a different, relevant and limitless type of learning environment. New doors of creativity were opened to them and they were trained using the latest industry-standard equipments, tools, and software in digital and broadcast media, video, web, computer graphics, architecture, advertising and packaging and fashion among many other exciting fields of study that are on offer at Limkokwing University.

Creating industry leaders has been the highest priority at Limkokwing University. LEAP= Limkokwing Entrepreneurship Acceleration Programme is aimed at producing entrepreneurs amongst graduates so they can become employers and not just employees. It is an intensive programme where all that the students learn is put to test as they develop a business idea, work as a team and present their ideas to industry mentors, hence preparing them to think beyond employability upon graduation.

Limkokwing University global graduates in general practice; carry the best results that are often achieved through a mix of traditional and contemporary media. They are fully effective, and carry a genuine commitment to creating dialogues that involve and informs creative industries.

Limkokwing Botswana Class of 2020 bring to the industry, government and society, skills in managing new media technology, a problem-solving mindset that seeks innovative solutions to issues and an entrepreneurial spirit that will benefit Botswana as it builds its competitiveness following the new global order as we press towards 2036.

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