Limkokwing University of Creative Technology
Founded in 2008, the Taraz University of Innovation and Humanities aims to prepare qualified specialists of world standard and currently houses 5000 students studying to obtain their Bachelor and Masters Degrees. Staffed by 208 professors and teachers, the staff also consists of 14 professors, 3 PhDs, and 73 magister owners, and 10 have been bestowed the title of ‘The Best University Teacher’, making it one of Kazakhstan’s premiere higher education facilities.
Rector E.B. Saurykov and pre-rector Maulenow Duman Bolatavish met with Tan Sri Lim Kok Wing to discuss the possibility of collaboration and specific fields in which both universities could collaborate, keeping in line with Taraz University’s goal for world-class excellence- a vision that sees them pairing up with premiere universities from China, Britain, Germany, Turkey, and now, Malaysia. Upon completing a successful meeting with Tan Sri Lim Kok Wing, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Taraz University of Innovation and Humanities with the Limkokwing University of Creativity, opening the door for many exciting future opportunities.