Limkokwing University of Creative Technology
The MoU will see both Institutions collaborating to develop pathways that will provide students from both Institutions the options of studying one semester in each other’s Institutions.
Coventry students in the UK will have the opportunity to spend one semester studying in Malaysia, while Limkokwing University students will be able to learn at the Coventry campus for a semester.
The MoU states: “Coventry University and Limkokwing University will explore opportunities to jointly deliver undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in UK and Malaysia for students to graduate with awards from both Universities.”
This agreement comes following a meeting on 2 May 2018 between Coventry’s Vice-Chancellor, Professor John Latham; and Deputy Vice-Chancellor for International Development, Dr David Pilsbury; with Limkokwing University Founder and President Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Dr Limkokwing.
“It will be good for us to build a strategic partnership. We would like to start with some programmes where students study a little time with you and then come back to us […] can be one semester, not necessarily a year,” Dr. Pilsbury had said.
Prof. Latham said that it would be beneficial for both Institutions to work together to “either complement each other or add value to each other” in terms of providing quality education.
“I am particularly interested in student mobility, in giving the opportunity to students to actually move and be exposed to different forms of learning,” said Prof. Latham.
Under the agreement, Limkokwing University will offer global classroom places for Coventry University students to spend a month or a semester at Limkokwing Kuala Lumpur, or one of Limkokwking’s international campuses.