Limkokwing University of Creative Technology
The delegation was headed by the Group Chief Operating Officer (Automotive Group) of Naza Corporation Holdings, Dato’ Samson Anand George.
Upon arrival, the delegation was given a full tour of the Presidential Library where they were briefed on the many great achievements by both the University and its Founder and President, Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Dr. Limkokwing.
Limkokwing University Vice President for Brand, Creativity & Talent Development, Dato’ Tiffanee Marie Lim, expressed interest in collaborating with Naza in the areas of branding, designing, and commercial events.
“Our ideas of collaborating were small until we explored the wonders that this University is capable of producing,” said Dato’ Samson in response.
He also said it will be a great privilege for Naza to work with such a creative outfit that has been accelerating on a whole new level, setting global standards in the education industry.
A rebranding was also an area that Dato’ Samson highlighted for possible collaboration.
“Certain Naza showrooms lack the creativity in terms of advertisements and promotional materials which leads to poor traffic, therefore partnering with Limkokwing University to work out ways to increase the traffic by producing creative yet innovative materials would be great,” he said.
Although automotive distribution is the core business of Naza, Dato’ Samson said there are other areas that Naza specialises in, like property development, manufacturing, telecommunications and many more, in which he sees Limkokwing University as a potential partner to collaborate with on future projects.