What Are The Fastest Growing Industries In 2023?

The global coronavirus pandemic pushed the pace of change into overdrive – and heightened anxieties about how to prepare for the future of work. According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), more than a billion people will need to be reskilled by 2030.
The First Limkokwing Convocation since the Pandemic receives a Standing Ovation

After months of hectic preparation, the Limkokwing Convocation 2022 got off to a grand start. From the beginning, the Hall of Fame exploded into thunderous applause as some 65 flag-bearers marched in swaying flags of the country of origin of the graduates. It was surely a memorable day for them, their parents and the guests who packed the Hall on Saturday 17 December 2022.
Limkokwing Student Volunteers Bring Cheer to PWD (Persons with Disabilities) Centres in Klang Valley

Keeping alive the legacy of the late founder of Limkokwing University, Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Limkokwing, to care for the elderly and less fortunate, a group of student volunteers and staff from the Cyberjaya campus visited several Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU) homes in the Federal Territory and some outlying areas in Selangor.
Limkokwing Founder’s Day Event: Visiting PWD (Persons with Disabilities) Centres in Klang Valley

Following last week’s visit to eight old folks’ homes in Seri Kembangan by a dedicated team of young Limkokwing student volunteers and staff, the University also brought the joy of Founder’s Day to another four Orang Kurang Upaya (OKU) centres in and around the Klang Valley.
Limkokwing staff and students join hands with students from orphanages to leave their handprints on Founder’s Day celebrations

More than 200 young people from four orphanages trooped into the Limkokwing Plaza to kick-start the Founder’s Day celebration on 22 October 2022.
Limkokwing Volunteers Reach Out to Elderly Folks To Spread Founder’s Day Joy

They are the future leaders of the world, the young students and interns of Limkokwing University who responded so quickly to the call to visit several homecare centres in Selangor. They were only too happy to contribute their share to make the Limkokwing Founder’s Day more eventful and memorable.
Limkokwing University Shares Founder’s Day Joy with Elders from Homecare Centres in Selangor

Limkokwing University has a long-held tradition of reaching out to the underprivileged and less fortunate members of Malaysian society. With this in mind, a group of eager Limkokwing student volunteers made time to bring cheer to the elderly residents of eight homecare centres located in the quiet suburb of Seri Kembangan, Selangor.
New ASP of Cyberjaya Police voices interest to collaborate with Limkokwing University

Only one month on the job as the new Police Chief of Cyberjaya Police, ASP Mohamad Zaidi Bin Osman graciously accepted our invitation to attend the Founder’s Day celebration at Limkokwing University on October 22, 2022.
Limkokwing University to collaborate with Majlis Perbandaran Sepang supported by the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development

Limkokwing Founder’s Day commemoration took on special significance with the presence of VIPs at the event on Saturday, 22 October 2022. Puan Nor Suhaila Binti Saat, Pengarah Jabatan Khidmat Pengurusan, Majlis Perbandaran Sepang and the newly-appointed Ketua Polis Balai Cyberjaya, ASP Mohamad Zaidi Bin Osman were warmly welcomed by Limkokwing Vice President Dato Dania Wahab and the Chairman of the Board of Governing Council Dato’ Raja Aznil Bin Raja Hisham and Vice-chancellor Dato’ Prof Dr Hj Mohd Razali Agus to a rousing Limkokwing welcome by students, faculty heads and staff.
Limkokwing Founder’s Day commemorates the “celebration of life” of the late Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Limkokwing

Limkokwing Founder’s Day commemorates the memory of the late Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Limkokwing, the Founder of the University that had its origin way back in 1991.