Limkokwing University of Creative Technology

Industry-University Partnership: Strengthening Creative Industries

Industry-University Partnership: Strengthening Creative Industries

In 2019 film production and distribution ranked among top revenue earners in the global economy with an estimated income of USD136 billion. The industry has been evolving with conventional viewing platforms shifting towards the digital medium. The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic has lent strength to the digital platform which has naturally influenced the production of content.

The Ever-Evolving World of Education

The Ever-Evolving World of Education

With a passion for education and thirst for knowledge, Azwar Mehdi who was born and raised in Iraq took a leap of faith and moved to Malaysia with hopes of a better education journey and future. He has been a member of the Limkokwing community completing his bachelors and masters and is now pursing his PhD studies.

Limkokwing donates masks and bottled water as nation battles Covid-19

Limkokwing donates masks and bottled water as nation battles Covid-19

Founder and President of Limkokwing University Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Limkokwing donated masks and bottled water worth of RM60,000 to sup-port front liners in Malaysia who are currently serving the nation during the COVID-19 outbreak. On behalf of Tan Sri Limkokwing, both batches of do-nations were presented by Dato Raja Aznil and Dato Gandesan to Malay-sia’s Minister of Health, Dato’ Sri Dr. Adham bin Baba.