A story of perseverance, healing and triumph

When one is diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder, Dysthymia, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), & Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), a great deal of strength is required to persevere – it was no different in Nurul Amira’s case.
MOTAC Visit: Exploring strategies in thriving past COVID- 19 pandemic

The global spread of COVID-19 has been impacting all industries worldwide. Tourism/Hospitality is among the most affected sectors with airplanes on the ground, hotels closed and travel restrictions put in place. International tourist arrivals have decreased by 80% globally while in Malaysia, Tourism and Culture industries have lost about RM45bil in the first half of 2020.
Kolej Vokasional Directors Visit Malaysia’s University of Innovation

Limkokwing University was honoured to host directors from Kolej Vokasional recently at its flagship campus to discuss potential collaboration in opening more doors of opportunity to Malaysian students in institutions of higher learning.
Limkokwing University and Makkal Osai strengthen ties

Limkokwing University and Makkal Osai signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 11 August 2020 with the intention to set forth increased collaboration, cooperation, and interaction between both institutions by creating academic opportunities.
Industry-University Partnership: Strengthening Creative Industries

In 2019 film production and distribution ranked among top revenue earners in the global economy with an estimated income of USD136 billion. The industry has been evolving with conventional viewing platforms shifting towards the digital medium. The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic has lent strength to the digital platform which has naturally influenced the production of content.
The Ever-Evolving World of Education

With a passion for education and thirst for knowledge, Azwar Mehdi who was born and raised in Iraq took a leap of faith and moved to Malaysia with hopes of a better education journey and future. He has been a member of the Limkokwing community completing his bachelors and masters and is now pursing his PhD studies.
Freedom from Namibia shares insights on tapping into the tourism industry to create opportunities

Limkokwing University’s Doctorate Degree in Management student Freedom shares his insights on the tourism industry and how to better strategise to open more opportunities in developing countries.
Limkokwing donates masks and bottled water as nation battles Covid-19

Founder and President of Limkokwing University Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Limkokwing donated masks and bottled water worth of RM60,000 to sup-port front liners in Malaysia who are currently serving the nation during the COVID-19 outbreak. On behalf of Tan Sri Limkokwing, both batches of do-nations were presented by Dato Raja Aznil and Dato Gandesan to Malay-sia’s Minister of Health, Dato’ Sri Dr. Adham bin Baba.
Limkokwing Launches Malaysia’s First International Youth Film Festival

The online launch of the festival begins a search by the Limkokwing Film Academy to identify new talent among youths from around the world and provide them with a channel to polish their professional skills in the art of film making.
Visit by DBH Holdings Director, Datuk Benny Hoe

Group Managing Director, Datuk Benny Hoe paid a special visit to Limkokwing’s flagship campus in Cyberjaya on 20 February 2020.