Limkokwing University of Creative Technology
G-AsiaPacific Senior Marketing Strategist, Sam Yeow, led the discussion with an energetic vibe, engaging students with ‘stress balls’ thrown their way to get them to answer questions on the topic of Fourth Industry Revolution.
Sam spoke about the speed of which we have reached the Fourth Industry Revolution, in comparison to the first three Revolutions.
She also enlightened the crowd of the multitude of untapped opportunities this exciting period in time holds.
G-AsiaPacific emerged from within the clouds in 2008, and has since served over 3,000 companies across a diverse range of industries.
“We (G-AsiaPacific) were born in the cloud which means everything that we provide, all the solutions are cloud-based.
We don’t sell hardware, no laptop, no PCs, any of that,” said Sam.
She added that the forum was meant to raise awareness on cloud computing and to help students with bright ideas to turn those into successful business ventures with as little capital as possible, using cloud technology.
“Do you know exactly what it is? Other advanced countries are already talking about Big Data, IOT, but here in Malaysia we are only warming up to cloud computing.
“We want to show you the possibilities, a pathway you can take to start your own business using cloud technology,” she said.
Her colleague, Marketing Strategist, Soon Heng Wee, took the stage next, elaborating further about those looking to venture into business after graduation.
“Anyone here aspire to own a company? Basically all you need today is a creative idea that sets you apart from the others.
Funding is not the biggest issue anymore.
If you have a good idea, people will invest in it,” said Soon Heng, adding that online businesses required less to set up, in terms of costing.
Solutions Architect, Calvin Yee Chang Teh, was last to speak, giving invaluable information about the various cloud solutions available to those thinking about setting up virtual companies.
He mentioned the six leading Cloud Platforms – Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Oracle, Alibaba Cloud and IBM Cloud. G-AsiaPacific represents the top three global cloud brands of Google, Microsoft Cloud and Amazon AWS.
“All of you are very, very bright students from Limkokwing.
So, I believe you have ideas to solve social problems around you.
“If you can, use technology to solve social issues in Malaysia, and who knows, it might be an idea that can be used across the world and cloud technology is the way to deploy that idea worldwide,” said Calvin.