Limkokwing University of Creative Technology
The GRULAC is a consensus and dialogue group made up of all Latin American and Caribbean countries. The non-binding group has 33 members, with a main aim of reaching a general agreement on the various issues regarding the Region. They meet in Geneva within the framework of the United Nations to build rapport on issues outlined. The most common topics of the group are human rights, the environment, intercultural relations, and such other issues.
The group representatives were from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela and Mexico. They were warmly welcome by the vibrant, multicultural Limkokwing community.
The group was then taken on a campus tour of the University, visiting the advanced learning facilities and convenience amenities the University provides the students to make their learning experience more conducive. The group was particularly fascinated by the Branding Innovation Centre; an exhibition gallery showcasing a wide range of local products that have been branded to compete with international products. The gallery features a variety of brands, packaging designs and logos, all developed by students. It was invented to assist local products in gaining competitiveness in the marketplace, and it supports and collaborates with state governments, state agencies and trade organisations in branding and packaging innovation.
The group then proceeded to meet with the University management, where they discussed prospects of partnership between the Group and the University in the future.
Mr. Jose E. Bustinza, Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of Peru said one of the most outstanding thing about the University was its lively, vibrant energy.
“This is a very lively, energetic university. Education doesn’t have to be boring, education has to be able to inspire young people to come together and learn,” he said.
Mr. Bustinza went on to say that most young people are uninspired to study because the view education as a chore, hence there is a large number of dropouts in many universities. He said Limkokwing University’s vibrant environment provided a platform for students to learn while actually enjoying their time in campus, which will help the students see their studies through.
“Many young people start University and never finish it. Here I see people enjoying this process of learning, which will make it easier for them to finish their studies.”
Another representative, Mr. Alberto Marquez, Charge D’Affaires of the Embassy of Uruguay said many of the University’s ideals about creativity and innovation could prove beneficial to many countries, especially his home Uruguay.
“Much of what Tan Sri Lim Kok Wing actually said about developing creative new industries applies to challenges Uruguay is currently facing,” he said.
He went on to commend Tan Sri Lim Kok Wing on his vision in globalising creative education, bringing 21st century education to underdeveloped countries, where otherwise most youth could have faced mediocrity at best.
“I think it takes a man with a lot of vision to do something like that,” he said.