Limkokwing University of Creative Technology
A delegation from the Foundation visited the Cyberjaya campus on 17 April 2018, led by the Foundation’s Patron, Puan Seri Maniseh Adam.
Also in attendance were Founder and Chairman, Dato’ Dr. Devanand Mangharam, who is a Breast and Endocrine Surgeon, and Honorary CEO, Ms. Yong Lee Lee.
Support for a good cause
Puan Seri Maniseh and Dato’ Dr. Devanand began the discussion by welcoming Limkokwing to be part of the upcoming Excellence in Breast Cancer Therapy and Support Conference, scheduled for 10 – 12 August 2018 in Kuala Lumpur.
“We, as the Foundation would be glad to have staffs from Limkokwing to come and volunteer during this three day event,” said Puan Seri Maniseh during the meeting.
“We would like to also collaborate in terms of social media contents, where we hope to work with creative minds from Limkokwing to be able to make our presence known more widely,” said Dato’ Dr. Devanand.
University Founder and President, Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Paduka Dr. Limkokwing, said he was excited to embark on a partnership with the Foundation after watching a video that recapped the achievements and goals of the Foundation over the years.
Apart from collaborating on the conference in August, other areas of interest discussed were the creation of an awareness video and a song for the Foundation.