Limkokwing University of Creative Technology

APICTA Awards for “Paradigm Shift”

Science, Technology and Innovation Minister YB Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Maximus Johnity Ongkili presented the APICTA Malaysia 2012 Awards to 14 categories winners and 18 merit recipients at a ceremony organized by MDeC.

It is not the first time that Limkokwing University of Creative Technology has received the APICTA Awards.

With an eye-opening theme, which was ‘Stimulating Creativity, Innovation and Excellence in ICT’; Limkokwing University students made it a point to participate and to unleash what they have learnt best to do, which is show their creativity in technology.

A vibrant group of Faculty of Multimedia Creativity students majoring in Games Art Development and Games Technology, Teh Yong Quan (Malaysia) as team leader and his group members, Yuen Wai Leong (Malaysia) as the ‘Technical Art Lead’ and other brilliant and talented students in this team took away the MSC Malaysia APICTA 2012 Award in the ‘Best Tertiary Student Project (Creative Multimedia)’ category for their video game entry “Paradigm Shift”.

The team for Paradigm Shift, from Left- Shafiq Romli, Sadaf Daryaei, Wei Leong, Yong Quan, Tamara Astari, Nabilah Zakaria.

The core of the gameplay revolves around two teams of players competing to collect a portal key; as time progresses, the time warp portal opens and allows players to travel in 3rd and 4th dimension, a virtual world. The Paradigm shift is powered by Unreal Engine 3.0 via Unreal development kit. Assets are developed mainly with 3DS Max, Zbrush, coding languages has also been used on Unreal Script with nFringe IDE and many other advanced technical programmes.

Yuen also shared his gratitude and joy, “it was a challenge for all of us, but it was not impossible as we have the best tools and prolific lecturers support at all time, here at Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, we have been cultivated to think creatively and I am very happy. I also had endless support from my family and friends”.

Moreover, Limkokwing University’s students’ quest did not end here, Research and Development team of the University also brought the Merit Awards under “Best of Research and Development” – Augmented Reality Location-based Service Platform” for MSC Malaysia APICTA Award. Mike Ng, International Researcher of Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, from Mauritius was awarded for his know-how in the world of ‘Augmented Reality’.

Mike describes his project as “an Augmented Reality Platform/Engine that uses Location-based Service to enhance visualization of location information by directly overlaying the information onto the physical world using the camera view as a see-through display. The benefit of this system is that compared to traditional map-based Location-based Service, the information is not abstract and does not requires any interpretation since the information is presented alongside with the physical world.”

Proud Limkokwing Award winners are gearing up for their next presentation, the “APICTA Awards 2012, Brunei Darulssalam”, where they will be participating on an international level, presenting their national winning awards from the 2nd Dec to 5th Dec 2012.

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